"Achieving positive emotional states is the key to helping people become creative"
Sarah Lewis Chartered Psychologist, "Personnel today" March 2008
"95% of brain activity is in the unconscious mind therefore we need to train learners and employees to tap into their unconscious for future learning" Dr Srini Pillay, 2016
"The ability of the brain to change in response to thinking."
"Every thought has an emotion attached to it."
"The mind holiday has an objective every time of releasing a positive thought with a positive emotion."
The Neuroscience name for this is QZE "Quantom Zeno Effect" which in simple terms has been described as the repeated effort to consolidate learning. Your brain becomes what you focus on and how you focus. Around 95% action of our mind comes from the Non-conscious Meta-cognitive level. Dr Caroline Leaf "Switch on your Brain" 2013.
A Mind Holiday facilitates a safe place to unlock positive thoughts in the unconscious mind which resonates more powerfully than a linear thought as it is learning from a visual experience in the form of a metaphor that is attached to the new thought. The reflection and repetition of this new thought will have a better foundation to strengthen its position and take Kingship in the mind.
"When our body and mind experience safety, our social engagement system enables us to collaborate, listen, empathize, and connect, as well as be creative, innovative, and bold in our thinking and ideas. This has positive benefits for our relationships as well as our lives in general".
Stephen Porges PhD (Gottman Institute)
An article by Paul Heavenridge on 'LiteracyWorks' May 20th 2015 shows that those who have read science fiction books as boys and girls are often the best innovators and inventors as they are used to imagination from reading novels.
Even China didn't use to approve imagination until they discovered that they couldn't innovate and visualise the future like the long term thinkers of 'Google' 'Microsoft' and 'Apple'. As a result of this insight they had a science fiction and fantasy convention in 2007.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world." Albert Einstein